Platform data

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21-30 of 30 datasets.

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AWS-R Cueva de Sucre, Isla Isabela, raw data
Dataset ID: 15
Last updated: 2024-07-19
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-16 09:50:00 - 2024-07-12 10:30:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Cueva de Sucre, Isabela Island, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Raw data initial visual control only. Use data wit...
Keywords: | climate station | Isabela | raw data |
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Record number (record) [Count]
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature maximum (Tmax) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind speed maximum (WSmax) [Meter per second]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Relative pressure average (RP) [Hectopascal]
Rain intensity average (PCP_int_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain intensity maximum (PCP_intmax_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain absolute total (PCP_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain type (PCP_type_radar)
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Absolute pressure average (Pabs) [Hectopascal]
Fog water total (FOG) [Gram]
Entity name: protocol
Entity info: Maintenance protocol
Entity type:dataTable
Section (Section)
SectionSubsection (Subsection)
Question (Question)
Answer (Answer)
Explain (Explain)
Action taken (Action_taken)
Comment (Comment)
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime)
Person who inspects (inspector)
Name of site (sitename)

AWS-P Sierra Negra, Isla Isabela, processed data subset
Dataset ID: 14
Last updated: 2024-05-22
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-15 08:30:00 - 2024-05-09 12:40:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Sierra Negra, Isabela Island, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Data is visually quality checked and corrected and...
Keywords: | climate station | quality checked | Isabela |
DOI: 10.5678/qn7q-8h56
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Absolute pressure average (Pabs) [Hectopascal]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind speed maximum (WSmax) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]

AWS-R Sierra Negra, Isla Isabela, raw data
Dataset ID: 13
Last updated: 2024-07-19
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 1927-08-16 02:27:00 - 2057-12-30 04:57:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Sierra Negra, Isabela Island, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Raw data initial visual control only. Use data wit...
Keywords: | climate station | Isabela | raw data |
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Record number (record) [Count]
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature maximum (Tmax) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind speed maximum (WSmax) [Meter per second]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Relative pressure average (RP) [Hectopascal]
Rain intensity average (PCP_int_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain intensity maximum (PCP_intmax_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain absolute total (PCP_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain type (PCP_type_radar)
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Absolute pressure average (Pabs) [Hectopascal]
Entity name: protocol
Entity info: Maintenance protocol
Entity type:dataTable
Section (Section)
SectionSubsection (Subsection)
Question (Question)
Answer (Answer)
Explain (Explain)
Action taken (Action_taken)
Comment (Comment)
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime)
Person who inspects (inspector)
Name of site (sitename)

MRR-R Cerro Crocker, Isla S. Cruz, raw data
Dataset ID: 12
Last updated: 2024-06-26
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-02-24 06:34:00 - 2024-06-20 11:51:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Cerro Crocker, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Raw data extracted from binary data. Initial visua...
Keywords: | Santa Cruz | Cerro Crocker | MRR | Rain radar | raw data |
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data_rr
Entity info: Rainfall rate (mm/h) from micro rain radar
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 35m (h_35) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 70m (h_70) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 105m (h_105) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 140m (h_140) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 175m (h_175) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 210m (h_210) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 245m (h_245) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 280m (h_280) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 315m (h_315) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 350m (h_350) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 385m (h_385) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 420m (h_420) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 455m (h_455) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 490m (h_490) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 525m (h_525) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 560m (h_560) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 595m (h_595) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 630m (h_630) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 665m (h_665) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 700m (h_700) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 735m (h_735) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 770m (h_770) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 805m (h_805) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 840m (h_840) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 875m (h_875) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 910m (h_910) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 945m (h_945) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 980m (h_980) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 1015m (h_1015) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 1050m (h_1050) [Unitless]
Name of measured attribute in this row (attributename)
Entity name: data_lwc
Entity info: Liquid water content (g/cubic meter) from micro rain radar
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 35m (h_35) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 70m (h_70) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 105m (h_105) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 140m (h_140) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 175m (h_175) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 210m (h_210) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 245m (h_245) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 280m (h_280) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 315m (h_315) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 350m (h_350) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 385m (h_385) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 420m (h_420) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 455m (h_455) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 490m (h_490) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 525m (h_525) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 560m (h_560) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 595m (h_595) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 630m (h_630) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 665m (h_665) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 700m (h_700) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 735m (h_735) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 770m (h_770) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 805m (h_805) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 840m (h_840) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 875m (h_875) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 910m (h_910) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 945m (h_945) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 980m (h_980) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 1015m (h_1015) [Unitless]
Attribute data of MRR in height bin above ground 1050m (h_1050) [Unitless]
Name of measured attribute in this row (attributename)

AWS-P Cerro Crocker, Isla S.Cruz, processed data subset
Dataset ID: 11
Last updated: 2024-09-03
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-28 12:20:00 - 2024-08-28 10:00:00 - time zone: Europe/Berlin
Geographic coverage: Cerro Crocker, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Data is visually quality checked and corrected and...
Keywords: | Santa Cruz | quality checked | Cerro Crocker |
DOI: 10.5678/zayn-fw96
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Rain total (PCP_tot_bucket) [Millimeter]
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain total acoustic (PCP_acoustic) [Millimeter]
Fog water total (FOG) [Gram]
Soil temperature (ST) [Degrees Celsius]
Volumetric water content (Vwc) [Count]

AWS-R Cerro Crocker, Isla S. Cruz, raw data
Dataset ID: 10
Last updated: 2024-07-19
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Byron Delgado Maldonado
Maik Dobbermann
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-22 10:40:00 - 2024-06-20 12:10:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Cerro Crocker, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Raw data, rain total calculated from rain intensit...
Keywords: | climate station | Santa Cruz | Cerro Crocker | raw data |
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Record number (record) [Count]
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Internal data logger temperature (T_DL) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature maximum (Tmax) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature minimum (Tmin) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Relative humidity Maximum (RHmax) [Percent]
Relative humidity minimum (RHmin) [Percent]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Solar radiation maximum (SLRmax) [Watt per square meter]
Solar radiation minimum (SLRmin) [Watt per square meter]
Total solar Irradiation unit of irradiance (SLRmin_tot) [Megajoules per square meter]
Volumetric water content (Vwc) [Count]
Electric conductivity (EC) [Square meter per square meter]
Soil temperature (ST) [Degrees Celsius]
Soil permittivity (SPer) [Unitless]
Period runtime of the voltage (VD) [Nanosecond]
Internal parameter to calculate soil water content and electric conductivity (VR) [Unitless]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Wind sonic flag (Wflag)
Rain total (PCP_tot_bucket) [Millimeter]
Rain rate average bucket (PCP_int_bucket) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain rate maximum bucket (PCP_intmax_bucket) [Millimeter per hour]
Time Of Occured Maximum (PCP_intmaxmax_bucket)
Rain absolute total (PCP_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain intensity maximum (PCP_intmax_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain intensity average (PCP_int_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Maximum rain intensity in minute in the period of 10 min (PCP_intminmax_radar) [Millimeter per minute]
Rain type (PCP_type_radar)
Number of total particles (Particles_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Number of total droplets (Drops_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Number of drizzle particles (DrizzleParticles_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Number of snow particles (SnowParticles_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Number of hail particles (HailParticles_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 0 total (DC0_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 1 total (DC1_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 2 total (DC2_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 3 total (DC3_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 4 total (DC4_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 5 total (DC5_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 6 total (DC6_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 7 total (DC7_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 8 total (DC8_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 9 total (DC9_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 10 total (DC10_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Droplet class 11 total (DC11_Tot_radar) [Unitless]
Rain total acoustic (PCP_acoustic) [Millimeter]
Rain duration (PCP_dur_acoustic) [Second]
Rain intensity (PCP_int_acoustic) [Millimeter per hour]
Fog water total (FOG) [Gram]
Entity name: protocol
Entity info: Maintenance protocol
Entity type:dataTable
Section (Section)
SectionSubsection (Subsection)
Question (Question)
Answer (Answer)
Explain (Explain)
Action taken (Action_taken)
Comment (Comment)
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime)
Person who inspects (inspector)
Name of site (sitename)

AWS-P S.Rosa, Isla S.Cruz, processed data subset
Dataset ID: 9
Last updated: 2024-09-03
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Byron Delgado Maldonado
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-24 12:10:00 - 2024-08-28 13:50:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Santa Rosa, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Data is visually quality checked and corrected and...
Keywords: | climate station | Santa Cruz | quality checked |
DOI: 10.5678/h2a6-er62
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Absolute pressure average (Pabs) [Hectopascal]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind speed maximum (WSmax) [Meter per second]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain total acoustic (PCP_acoustic) [Millimeter]
Fog water total (FOG) [Gram]

AWS-R S.Rosa, Isla S.Cruz, raw data
Dataset ID: 8
Last updated: 2024-06-14
Dataset creators: Nazli Turini
Byron Delgado Maldonado
Contact: Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 2022-03-03 17:00:00 - 2024-06-11 16:00:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Santa Rosa, Isla Santa Cruz, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Raw data, orientation of wind sensor corrected, ra...
Keywords: | climate station | Santa Cruz | raw data |
Intellectual rights: Darwin project
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Record number (record) [Count]
Battery voltage (BattV) [Volt]
Air temperature average (T) [Degrees Celsius]
Air temperature maximum (Tmax) [Degrees Celsius]
Relative humidity average (RH) [Percent]
Wind speed average (WS) [Meter per second]
Wind speed maximum (WSmax) [Meter per second]
Solar radiation average (SLR) [Watt per square meter]
Relative pressure average (RP) [Hectopascal]
Rain intensity average (PCP_int_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain intensity maximum (PCP_intmax_radar) [Millimeter per hour]
Rain absolute total (PCP_radar) [Millimeter]
Rain type (PCP_type_radar)
Rain total radar (PCP_diff_radar) [Millimeter]
Wind direction (WD) [Degree]
Absolute pressure average (Pabs) [Hectopascal]
Rain total acoustic (PCP_acoustic) [Millimeter]
Rain duration (PCP_dur_acoustic) [Second]
Rain intensity (PCP_int_acoustic) [Millimeter per hour]
Fog water total (FOG) [Gram]
Entity name: protocol
Entity info: Maintenance protocol
Entity type:dataTable
Section (Section)
SectionSubsection (Subsection)
Question (Question)
Answer (Answer)
Explain (Explain)
Action taken (Action_taken)
Comment (Comment)
Datetime of specific event (eventdatetime)
Person who inspects (inspector)
Name of site (sitename)

MET-E Bellavista, Isla S.Cruz
Dataset ID: 7
Last updated: 2023-07-27
Dataset creators: Charles Darwin Foundation
Contact: Byron Delgado Maldonado
Nazli Turini
Temporal coverage: 1987-06-09 00:00:00 - 2019-09-15 00:00:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Bellavista, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: Shifted to comparable site nearby in 2015 More in...
Keywords: | climate station |
Intellectual rights: Charles Darwin Foundation
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Minumum air temperature (AirTC_Min) [Degrees Celsius]
Maximum air temperature (AirTC_Max) [Degrees Celsius]
Average air temperature (AirTC_Avg) [Degrees Celsius]
water temperature (Tw) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Hours of sunshine measured with heliograph (sunshine_hours) [Count]
Amount of clouds measured in oktas (cloud_amount) [Count]
Date and Time (datetime)

MET-E Puerto Ayora, Isla S Cruz
Dataset ID: 6
Last updated: 2023-07-27
Dataset creators: Charles Darwin Foundation
Contact: Byron Delgado Maldonado
Maik Dobbermann
Temporal coverage: 1964-12-31 00:00:00 - 2021-02-03 00:00:00 - time zone: Pacific/Galapagos
Geographic coverage: Puerto Ayora station, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Abstract: ---
Additional info: More info:
Keywords: | climate station |
Intellectual rights: Charles Darwin Foundation
Entity name: data
Entity info: Automated weather station data
Entity type:dataTable
Date and Time (datetime)
Minumum air temperature (AirTC_Min) [Degrees Celsius]
Maximum air temperature (AirTC_Max) [Degrees Celsius]
Average air temperature (AirTC_Avg) [Degrees Celsius]
water temperature (Tw) [Degrees Celsius]
Air humidity (Huma) [Percent]
precipitation (PCP) [Millimeter]
Hours of sunshine measured with heliograph (sunshine_hours) [Count]
Amount of clouds measured in oktas (cloud_amount) [Count]

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